avast! 4 Professional Edition
Details: avast! 4 Professional Edition
vast! scans for viruses, worms and Trojans. avast! obtained multiple VB100% awards in 2002/5 Virus Bulletin comparative reviews.
avast! Professional Edition includes the following components:
On Demand Scanner - with two user interfaces:
Skinnable Simple Interface - just select what do you want to scan in which way and press the Play button.
Enhanced User Interface - Outlook like UI allows user to set any feature of avast!, prepare and run tasks, store and check task's results.
On Access Scanner - special providers to protect:
the most of available E-mail clients,
Instant Messaging - ICQ, Miranda etc.,
Network traffic - Intrusion Setection - lightweight firewall,
P2P protection for Kazza, BitTorrent etc.,
Web shield - monitors and filter all HTTPtraffic,
Script Blocker - checks all scripts running under Windows Scripting Host and Web browsers,
NNTP Scanner - scans all Usenet Newsgroup traffic
and of course all operations with files on PC.
Boot Time Scanner - scans disks in the same way and in the same time as Windows CHKDSK does (on NT/2000/XP only).
avast! can scan inside the huge number of different packers including ZIP, ARJ, RAR etc. even the Outlook Express .dbx files.
Virus Chest - safety isolated folder to store infected, suspicious and even some system files - to restore them.
avast! 4 supports Windows XP SP2 Security Center.
True incremental update files of size under 100 KB are available at least twice a week and within couple of hours in the case of emergency of new virus. avast! automatically checks for new updates - downloads, installs and loads them without restart or logoff.
avast! 4 Pro is available in English, French, German, Italian, Japaneese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and other languages - check http://www.avast.com/eng/down_pro.html to download avast! in your language.
Autor: ALWILSoftware (ALWIL Software)
Version: 4.8.1335
WWindows 7, 8, 10
Lizenz: Shareware
Sprache(n): English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, Deutsch, Greek, Hungarian, Chinese, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Preis: ab 34,68 EUR
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