Super Columns
The three-block column is created one by one randomly, and you have to place each carefully in order to form a horizontal line, vertical line, left diagonal line (/) or right diagonal line () to clear. Game speed will also become faster as level is increasing and there is VERY little time for you to consider the position of each column and you will have to think fast, move fast and act fast, or the game will end up quickly!
It features:
1. Skinnable Interface: Super Columns is skinnable. It currently has two beautiful skins with the theme of True Love!
2. Two additional Game Mode: Besides Double Player Standard Game, there are two more addictive game modes for double players: Battle Game & Cooperation Game!
3. Magic Block: Super Columns firstly introduce Magic Block, which can also be called Swap Block. It has a "+" in the center of each block, and once you see that, you can press the Swap key to swap current block to the block you need.
4. Any Size of Play Area: One of greatest feature of Super Columns is that the play area of Super Columns is not restricted! You may select four preset sizes among 13x6(Standard), 16x9(Contest Size), 19x12(Play longer) and 10x5(Challenging!), Full Screen and you may also customize the play area by yourself!
5. Entering Contests & Win Prizes: The most exciting feature of Super Columns is Entering Contests & Win Prizes! Currently there are six Super Columns Contests available for play! They are Diamond Rush, Need For Speed, Narrow Street, Vertical Limit, Magic Island, The Excavator!
Remember the Boss Key is F9 and enjoy playing Super Columns without being watched by your Boss!
Autor: JerryJones (Eshinesoft, Corp)
Version: 1.20
Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
Lizenz: Shareware
Sprache(n): English
Preis: 19.95 USD
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