ShareGuard Copy Protection


Details: ShareGuard Copy Protection

Kategorie: Verschlüsselung
Dateigröße: 9 Mb
Letzter Download: 11.08.2022
Downloads: 26
Eingestellt: 23.07.2009
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Consists of 4 components: ShareGuard Lock, ShareGuard Key, ShareGuard Locksmith, CRC Check. (1) ShareGuard Lock is the program that protects your software or ebooks, pdf, mp3, mpg, asf, wmv, wma from reverse engineering and from being used longer than the specified demonstration period. This is called by your software and is displayed to the user to notify them of the current demo status (e.g. 10 days left). It will also display a splash screen if desired. You create a JPG or BMP and it will display your logo/favourite picture WITHOUT ANY CODING. (2) Key Program that YOU sell to your customers (optional method) - Allows your users to register the software using one of many unlock with key methods. The ShareGuard Key program that users will buy from you will prevent the ShareGuard Lock program from displaying the demo status form. Typically a user will have to enter a certificate number that you will provide for them. After the certificate is validated the software is unlocked. (3) Locksmith Program allows YOU use to build your lock(s) and key(s). Many different options to allow customization of your methodology. You can build AND TEST (with your application even), a working lock and key within SECONDS without reading the manual. ShareGuard Locksmith generates message notifying you of possible problems, generates test code and code (C++, Delphi, Visual FoxPro, Visual Basic, .NET, Access) for you to cut and paste into your program or use the EXE wrapper.(4) CRC File Checker is a DLL which performs a Cyclic Redundancy Check on files to ensure that they have not been tampered with. You will load the DLL and then check to ensure that the Lock program has not been modified.When the Lock program is called it will automatically check your software to ensure that it has not been modified. Protects from reverse engineering. ShareGuard works with ANY language/many filetypes.

Autor: WilliamBradshaw (

Version: 4.0

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Ultimate x64

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 29.95 USD

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Kostenloser Download ShareGuard Copy Protection in der Kategorie Verschlüsselung bei Software ist in den meisten Fällen urheberrechtlich geschützt. Lese nach dem Download der Software bitte aufmerksam die enthaltenen Lizenzbedingungen. Titel, Beschreibungstexte, Screenshots, Bilder und Logos sind Bestandteile der Software und unterliegen dem Urheberrecht. Der Autor von Regiobizz macht sich diese durch bloßes Anzeigen nicht zu Eigen.

Hier kannst Du die Software ShareGuard Copy Protection gratis herunterladen. In der Kategorie Verschlüsselung findest Du weitere interessante Freeware, Shareware und Demo Versionen. Es ist unglaublich, dass absolut hochwertige Software Produkte oft als Freeware angeboten werden. Einige Programme können durchaus mit ähnlichen, aber sehr teuren Produkten aus dem professionellen Bereich mithalten. Aber schau doch am besten selbst, alle Downloads sind gratis und kostenlos :-)
Achtung: Obwohl wir sehr auf Qualität und Nutzwert aller Programme achten übernehmen wir keinerlei Verantwortung dafür, diese trägt allein der Anbieter der jeweiligen Software.

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