

Details: FontFrenzy

Kategorie: Resourcen
Dateigröße: 535 Kb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 39
Eingestellt: 06.08.2008
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Many programs that you install automatically add their own set of fonts, and very soon you can end up with a frenzy of unnecessary fonts clogging up your computer. Unless you use all of these fonts regularly, they are simply wasting your system resources.

Font Frenzy is a free font manager with some unique features not found in any free font program. Not only will it help you to view, install, and uninstall your fonts - it can help you "defrenzy" your whole font folder and put an end to font frustration and slow boot-up times.

Font Frenzy? allows you to strip away all your excess fonts and restores your system to only the fonts that are essential to Windows®, giving you the maximum performance speed possible.

FontFrenzy tames the frenzy of fonts that can clutter and slow down Windows. The DeFrenzy function removes and stores all fonts except those that were present when Windows was first installed. In short, it cleans up your font folder so that Windows boots quicker and runs smoother.

FontFrenzy helps solve the problem of Windows font overload. The special FrenzySnap function enables you to establish "restore points" and re-install the fonts that were in your system on a specific date. FontFrenzy? is also a great general font manager. It has the ability to preview, print, add and delete fonts. FontFrenzy is fully-functional freeware - with the nag screen easily removed after a painless registration.

Autor: TimothyWilliams (SD Software)

Version: 1.0

Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003

Lizenz: Freeware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: kostenl

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