Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp


Details: Elcomsoft eXplorer for WhatsApp

Kategorie: Kommunikation
Dateigröße: 70 Mb
Letzter Download: 11.08.2022
Downloads: 40
Eingestellt: 14.02.2016
Aktualisiert: 28.07.2021
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Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp is a tool to download, display and decrypt WhatsApp communication histories. The tool automatically acquires a WhatsApp database from one or multiple sources, processes information and displays contacts, messages, call history and pictures sent and received.

Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp comes with a host of acquisition options. The product can use all available sources for extracting WhatsApp history. The tool can extract WhatsApp conversations from plain and encrypted iTunes backups (providing that you know the password), download iOS cloud backups from Apple iCloud (if you have the original Apple ID and password of that account), or even acquire WhatsApp proprietary cloud backups stored in iCloud Drive. When acquiring iOS cloud backups, Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp can automatically extract WhatsApp databases from multiple devices registered to the same Apple ID.

Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp comes with the ability to download proprietary WhatsApp backups maintained in iCloud Drive. These backups are not device-specific; however, multiple WhatsApp backups may be available if several WhatsApp accounts (with different phone numbers) are registered within a certain Apple account. The ability to extract standalone WhatsApp backups from iCloud Drive is unique to Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp.

Should you encounter an encrypted backup, Elcomsoft Explorer for WhatsApp can automatically decrypt WhatsApp information. In order for the decryption to work, you will need to enter the correct password. Viewing, searching and filtering of extracted WhatsApp databases is available after the extraction.

The built-in WhatsApp viewer enables viewing the content of multiple WhatsApp databases. Advanced searching and filtering allow locating contacts or messages by entering a key word, and locating conversations that occurred within a certain date range.

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