CrossIPTC for digital pictures
Details: CrossIPTC for digital pictures
CrossIPTC rewrites IPTC accents for Windows when created by a Macintosh computer [or vice-versa] to ensure compatibility and properly display author, captions, keywords, categories, credits and origins information containing texts with accents. Some CrossIPTC Features : - Mass conversion of extended characters into IPTC fields.
- Translates Macintosh accents to Windows accents or Windows accents to Macintosh characters.
- Can remove the XML data from documents created with Adobe products when cleaning is needed
- Works with all standard IPTC fields and with customised (non-standard) fields
- Displays IPTC metadata information for each image
- Lets you copy image IPTC data set to clipboard when browsing folder images.
- Allows to display captured IPTC character strings, in Hexadecimal values
- Optionally keeps a copy of input files to a backup folder.
- Customization of period interval between two scans for processing
- Synchronisation of XMP metadata with IPTC metadata, cleanning XMP
- Language: English
Designed to facilitate images and digital photos transmission, CrossIPTC enables automatic stock photography conversion during migration from one platform to another executing a mass repair on IPTC File Info fields added to JPEG or TIFF pictures: it translates Macintosh extended characters to Windows characters or Windows accents to Macintosh accents.
Since extended characters are absolutely necessary for example in French, German, Portuguese and Spanish texts, no more need to avoid the use of accents for the description of digital pictures to treat by the other platform: the images are always tagged with appropriate accuracy to allow a good cataloguing and indexation. CrossIPTC works with all standard IPTC fields and with customised (non-standard) fields
Autor: PatrickPeccatte (Soft Experience)
Version: 1.2.1
Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Windows Vista
Lizenz: Shareware
Sprache(n): English, French
Preis: 95.00 EUR
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