Amara Flash Intro and Banner Builder


Details: Amara Flash Intro and Banner Builder

Kategorie: Autoren-Programme
Dateigröße: 4 Mb
Letzter Download: 11.08.2022
Downloads: 245
Eingestellt: 08.06.2008
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Amara Intro and Banner Builder is the most feature-rich RAD Flash animation tool available on the Net.

With Amara Flash Intro and Banner Builder you can take your own photo and music, and combine them with animated text to create profesional looking advertisments, banners intros and more in just minutes.

The Flash Intro and Banner Builder allows you to to create simple but also complex animations whereby you can combine different fonts and effects and an unlimited number of text lines in one Flash animation.

Amara Intro and Banner Builder saves your settings. All your personal settings for pictures, URL links, fonts, text ,colors, sound etc. ,are automatically loaded the next time you use Amara Flash Intro and Banner builder. But you can also easily change and update them.

No Flash or programming skills are required.

Features include:
1) Use an unlimited number of text blocks (lines)
2) Use different font, styles, colors thru out the animation.
3) Create any intro or banner you have ever dreamed off.
4) Automatic skip intro link
5) Position the text exactly where you want it to appear in your animations
6) Many different text effects
7) Make the text freeze as long as you want.
8) Make the text appear and disappear any time
9) Import Gif, BMP, JPEG and PNG files
10) Import music files for background music
11) URL links and Target Frames per text block
12) Background colors
13) Border colors
14) Movie dimensions
15) Easy to update
16) WYSIWYG interface
17) Transition Time control
18) Sound volume settings
19) Insert Background pictures
20) Save as Flash animation (SWF)
21) Compatible with all HTML editors

Autor: AmaraCray (Amara Software)

Version: 2.8

Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, WinME

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 39.95 USD

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