Advanced Font Viewer


Details: Advanced Font Viewer

Kategorie: Resourcen
Dateigröße: 1 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 38
Eingestellt: 22.07.2008
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The easy-to-use interface allows beginners to quickly master the program, while the professionals will definitely enjoy everyday working with it.
As soon as you run Advanced Font Viewer, you will see the text examples for all of the fonts installed on your computer on one list.
You will be able to set necessary style, size and color of the text examples, according to your own scheme. You can also enter your own text to use it as an example.
If you are choosing a font for printed matters, then print out the list and make your choice according to the real conditions of font use.
Those who have huge collections of fonts, and those who wish to accurately compare patterns of several fonts looking almost similar, may create their own Selected Fonts List. Working with such list will save you necessity to look through the main list, spending too much time for searching, and thus it will allow you to concentrate on your choice. You will be able to add new fonts to the list, as well as to delete unnecessary fonts. This list can also be printed out.
Users of the program are not limited by the choice only among the already installed fonts. One always can add a new font to his or her collection from any folder of a hard drive or a CD, being able to evaluate font's appearance before adding. In case you find an ugly font, or a font you use rarely, you can deinstall it right away.
All registered users of Advanced Font Viewer always get the full up-to-date version of the program. This becomes possible because of the free updates policy and distribution of information about the newest versions of AFV. In case you are an unregistered user or you have an unreliable mailbox, you can subscribe for news posting.

Autor: AlexanderStyopkin (Alexander G. Styopkin)

Version: 4.21

WinXP, Windows2000, Windows Vista

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English, Russian

Preis: 49.95 USD

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