Active TTS Component
Details: Active TTS Component
It can convert text to mp3, text to wma or text to wav on the fly using the state of art text to speech (TTS) system. It converts text to mp3 or text to wma directly without generating any other temporary files. This is the unique feature of Active TTS. You have full control on the quality of the speech file by setting the encoding parameters.
Active TTS wraps SAPI4 and SAPI5 in a simple way to use.
Active TTS is specially designed to convert text to audio file.
Active TTS can convert MP3 to swf (Macromedia flash movie) so that the speech can be embeded in web sites easily
Directly convert text to wav, text to mp3, text to wma, text to ogg, text to vox, text to au and text to aiff format on the fly without temporary files created.
Convert text to speech at high speed and save your disk's life as well
Show progress when speaking or converting text
Support SAPI4 or SAPI5 compliant voices.
Convert mp3 to Macromedia flash format, so you can convert text to swf and add mp3 stream speech to web site in realtime
SupportbBatch text to audio conversion
Support TTS events
Support Windows media lossless and speech codec
Examples in VB, VB Script, C#, ASP, C++ Builder, ColdFusion, Delphi, JScript, Perl, PHP , VC++ are provided.
Provide TTS Service tool to make text to speech conversion in IIS more easiler.
Voices are important to a text-to-speech software. There are default voices shipped with Windows 2000 above.
The capability and quality of the speech output are usually determined by the voices. There is a bunch of free voices on the internet for different languages. You can download and try.
To know more information about Active TTS, please visit
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Autor: MingGuang (Guangming Software)
Version: 3.0.2008.205
Win98, WinME, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista
Lizenz: Shareware
Sprache(n): English
Preis: 149.95 USD
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