Librarian (m/f/d) für Köln gesucht
Arbeits- und Stellenangebot im Regiobizz Arbeitsmarkt
Job Kategorie: Aus-/Weiterbildung Erziehung/Bildung/Therapie
Stellenangebot Basisdaten
- Arbeitsort:
DE 50667 Köln
- Umkreis:
keine Angabe.
- Art der Arbeitsstelle:
- Letze Aktualisierung:
Stellenausschreibung: Librarian (m/f/d)
- Arbeitgeber bzw.
St. Georges School Cologne in Hamburg
- Branche
- Kategorie
- Stellenbeschreibung
- Tasks Key Responsibilities Toalwaysactin thebestinterests of pupils.
Tosupporttheschool’sethosandaims. To act in accordance with school
policy and the school’s CodeofConduct. Professional Learning
Responsibilities To maintain thorough and current knowledge of best
practice in schoollibrarymanagement. Tomaintain a
broadoverviewoftheschool’scurriculum and howthelibrarycan
supportthis. To engage fully with professional learning opportunities,
including INSET and working groups, even where these fall
outsidecoreschoolhours. To support the professional learning of
colleagues, particularly in theareasofresearch andacademichonesty. To
engage fully with structures that support professional
learning,including appraisal. Teaching and Learning Responsibilities
To create a secure learning environment, based on mutual trust and
respect, in which pupils feel safe to explore and take risks. To
create clear, challenging and achievable expectationsfor
pupilsengagedin librarybasedactivities. To maintain a stimulating and
well-maintained learning environment,paying due care
andattentiontothequalityof resources anddisplays. To facilitate a
weekly visitto the library by each primary class and support the class
teacher in their delivery of reading basedactivities. To support and
advise pupils in their selection of reading materials. To provide
regular library-based sessions for all year groups thatsupport
curriculum needs, in cooperationwith class and subjectteachers.
Topromoteapassionforreading andinquirybasedlearning. To support the
production of coursework and internal assessments, including the
Extended Essay, through sessions in research methodology, correct
referencing techniques, academichonesty etc. To promote effective
research methods and facilitate investigation andinquiry. To promote
the importance of academic honesty and ethical
useofinformationacrosstheschool. To support and facilitate library
based extra-curricular activitiesfor a range of age groups
Administrative Responsibilities To maintain and share up to date
policiesregarding library practicesandacceptableuse. To manage the
library budget, in conjunction with the
school’sseniormanagementteam. To select physical and digital
resources for the ongoing development of the library, which are
appropriate to the curriculum andtheneeds oflearners.
Toreviewandmaintain subscriptionstoperiodicals
andonlineresources,supported by theordering department. To ensure the
correct cataloguing of physicalresources and oversee
theirloanandreturn. Requirements We are seeking to appoint a qualified
and experienced professional to manage the activities of our learning
resource centre. The successful applicant will be a dynamic individual
with experience of promoting a passion for inquiry and effective
research skills. Well-developed organisational and communication
skills are a prerequisite. We are looking for the right balance
between experience, enthusiasm and a passion for learning and inquiry,
which will inspire our pupils. Benefits Why us? The performance of our
people is what defines the success of St. George's. Our teams are
enabled to take the initiative and encouraged to think and act like
entrepreneurs. The multinational corporate environment provides our
talented employees with a large area to expand professionally and
offers multiple opportunities to enrich their individual mindsets and
experiences. By joining us, you will be part of our community life and
actively participate in varied projects, allowing St. George`s to
continually evolve. Closing To innovate your career please send your
application including your earliest starting date and your desired
salary to: Mr Fraser-Lewis Head of Recruitment
- Qualifikation
- Arbeitskräfte
- Verdienst:
- n.a.
- Bewerbung an
- St. Georges School Cologne
Am Strandkai 1
De 20457 Hamburg
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