Call for Platform21 Co-Founders! für Berlin gesucht

Arbeits- und Stellenangebot im Regiobizz Arbeitsmarkt

Job Kategorie: Unternehmensberatung Organisation/Projekte/Beratung

Stellenangebot Basisdaten

DE 10999 Berlin
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Stellenausschreibung: Call for Platform21 Co-Founders!

Arbeitgeber bzw.
Platform21 in Hamburg
Intro With Platform21, we are committed to creating Platforms for the 21st Century — designed for purpose-oriented communities, cooperatives, companies, and NGOs. Most of the current big digital platforms are still based on the old extractive corporate structures that dominated the last century. We help developing and establishing real alternatives. Our focus is on platforms that can scale and have wide-ranging impact. We do so by both helping our customers to develop their own platforms, as well as by initiating the creation of new platforms when we identify a need. We are open and adaptive when it comes to the "how”, and we hope that our new co-founders will bring their own experiences and perspectives, so that we can co-shape the path we take from here. Tasks Rather than opting for the classic C-titles, we are looking for people with a complementary focus to then together define and adapt to our specific roles in a continuous process. In particular, we are looking for: A person with a focus on organizational and business development A person with a focus on product development and building up our tech team Requirements A deep interest in social change and transformation Experience in building and leading teams Entrepreneural spirit and a passion to aim for large scale impact Openness to explore new ways of financing and building up resources Openness to working at a high pace within a relaxed and healthy atmosphere Openness to share responsibility for creating and maintaining an open and cooperative team culture, where respectful critique is welcome and everyone feels free to develop and contribute their individual strengths. Entrepreneurial spirit and a passion to aim for large scale impact Benefits A small and motivated team Working from wherever you are If you are based in Berlin, a welcoming co-working and community atmosphere in our self-managed Coopspace will be at your disposal A strong network in the social business, cooperative, and conscious community scene in Berlin and globally An invitation to co-shape our company on eye-level as a co-founder, including joining the "Gesellschaftervertrag" and sharing formal ownership Salary tbd, depending on our ability to raise funds and acquiring new customers Closing If this sounds interesting to you, we are happy to discuss further details with you either in person or in a video call. Simply apply with your CV and we will get back to you ASAP is there is a fit!
Bewerbung an
Am Strandkai 1
De 20457 Hamburg

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